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10 Reasons Your Hips Need Yoga

10 Reasons Your Hips Need Yoga

As I write this, I am holding and cuddling a sick baby who doesn't want to be put down. I've been holding her for hours. HOURS. I am happy to be...

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Yoga for SI Joint Pain Relief

Yoga for SI Joint Pain Relief

Got a cranky SI joint? This yoga for SI joint pain relief practice is great for helping create more stability where you need it most. If you're not...

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How to Squat Safely

How to Squat Safely

Do you know how to squat safely? Squatting is one of the most fundamental ways to create strength and mobility for your hips. I want to make sure...

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Babywearing Yoga

Babywearing Yoga

This babywearing yoga practice is for all of those times that you really want to move your body and your baby won't let you put her down. Clocking...

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Asking for help is hard

Asking for help is hard

I remember the first time I asked my husband Nathan for help. It was sometimes after midnight, probably around 2am. Our daughter Milly was about 24...

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