Is self-care at the steering wheel or is it your spare tire? Sounds a bit like a new-age country song, doesn’t it. I think most people see self-care...
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It’s Not Cool to be a Morning Person
A few weeks ago, I was looking for a GIF and I couldn't find what I was looking for. GIF aficionados say there's a GIF for everything, but it turns...
Self-Care During a Deployment
Self-care during a deployment is essential. I learned this the hard way the first time my husband was away for officer training. He was gone for 10...
The Magic Words I Use to Make Self-Care Possible
This is us. All 3 of my kids, ranging from almost 7 years old to almost 5 months old with an almost 4 year old in between. I snapped this photo a...
Ayurvedic Self-Care for the Post-Holiday Letdown
We're smack in the middle of the very end of the year. Christmas is over, Hanukkah is still happening (but just 3 more nights), Kwanzaa has just...
10 Reasons Your Hips Need Yoga
As I write this, I am holding and cuddling a sick baby who doesn't want to be put down. I've been holding her for hours. HOURS. I am happy to be...

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