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The Laundry Can Wait

The Laundry Can Wait

I am standing in the doorway between my bathroom and my bedroom, struggling with indecision. I have wait for 10 minutes to pass before the face mask...

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Self-Care is a Survival Skill

Self-Care is a Survival Skill

Self-Care is a survival skill. I know what you’re thinking. “No it’s not. Being able to swim is a survival skill. Fire building is a survival skill....

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4 Self-Care Myths, Busted

4 Self-Care Myths, Busted

I go on Pinterest way more than I should, but I like pretty pictures which is what pinterest is great for. Pinterest is excellent eye candy while...

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Guilty as Charged

Guilty as Charged

I have a lot of guilt. I’ve tried to unload it over the years and sometimes I do a good job of misplacing it for awhile, but I always manage to find...

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