Stop telling moms that self-care doesn’t work. This is one of my biggest pet peeves lately and I really want all of the mommy blogs, mom coaches,...
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Quick and Effective Wrist Pain Relief
Wrist pain getting in the way of you enjoying your yoga practice? Or your life? I've got a a few simple exercises you can do for quick and effective...
Reasons to Practice Yoga During Your Pregnancy
There are so many phenomenal reasons to practice yoga during your pregnancy. I should know. I've been pregnant 3 times and practiced yoga through...
Yoga for Low Back Relief During Pregnancy
Here is some yoga for low back relief during pregnancy. Whether you're in your first, second, or third trimester, these poses will help with one of...
Reasons You Can’t Be Bad at Self-Care – Ever
If there's one thing I keep hearing from moms, particularly moms of young kids, it's that they're somehow bad at self-care. There is literally no...
Energizing Morning Yoga Practice — 5 minutes
Need a yoga practice for those mornings when you need a big-time yoga boost and you're short on time? This energizing morning yoga practice is...

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