There are the 3 New Year's Resolutions mistakes to avoid if you are thinking about making a New Year's resolution this year. These are fairly common...
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5 Lessons I Learned From Joining Someone Else’s Online Yoga Studio
I don't know if you know this, but I've had on online yoga/movement studio for a long time now. I opened the doors of my online studio almost 4...
Tips for Using Your Kid Like a Dumbbell
Do you ever use your kid like large, awkward, kinetic dumbbell? If you haven't yet, now is a good time to start. Or at least try. Here's why:...
Hands-Free Crow Pose Options
Do you avoid crow pose because it bugs your wrists? Or your elbows feel a little funky. Or maybe you don't feel strong enough yet in your upper...
Breaking up with Cat/Cow Pose
When was the last time you took a yoga class that started with something other than cat/cow? Or savasana? Or a sun salutation? In my 2 decades of...
Restorative Yoga for Moms of Young Kids
Do you give yourself time to rest and restore? I didn't always. In fact, if you asked me before I had kids, I would have said that restorative yoga...

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