hands-free crow pose

Hands-Free Crow Pose Options

October 13, 2021

Do you avoid crow pose because it bugs your wrists? Or your elbows feel a little funky. Or maybe you don’t feel strong enough yet in your upper body.

What if I said you could do a hands-free crow pose without worrying about any of that?

This is where people tend to get stuck.

How is it even possible to do an arm balance without balancing on your arms? And isn’t the point to learn how to confront your fears or self-doubt and challenge yourself to do the hard thing?

Not necessarily.

When I taught my live class for my online studio MOVE with Naomi today, one of the things I talked about when we did crow pose (our pose of the month in October) was this: With any pose you do on your mat, it’s never really about the pose. The actions that build the pose are more interesting. Doing the pose is a cool accomplishment, but what about the actions you have to learn and practice in order to do the pose?

The problem is more that people get locked into the idea of what crow pose is instead of what you’re doing in crow pose.

There are lots of ways you can work on crow pose without putting weight on your hands.

I created a video with a few options for Hands-free Crow Pose for my online studio. There are folks in my membership community who can’t do crow pose. I don’t want them to be frustrated all month long in class and this video gives them options.

And then I decided to share it. In typical yoga/movement classes, you’re not given a lot of options when it comes to arm balances. In fact, the fundamentals of how to do arm balances are rarely even taught, especially in vinyasa-type classes.

I’d rather you have options and opportunities in your yoga/movement practice so that you feel included instead of left out.

Want to try out these hands-free crow options? You can find the video on my YouTube channel.

And if you easily get bored with standard, interchangeable yoga/movement classes, check out my online studio MOVE with Naomi.
Classes are created with #momlife in mind.
Quick, to the point, and creative, so you’ll never be bored on your yoga mat.

If you want to try out MOVE with Naomi or MOVE 15, use the code CROW50 and get 50% off your first month of membership

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