yoga for a hot mom body

Yoga for a Hot Mom Body

April 27, 2023

Are you a mom? Do you have a body?

I think you’ll love yoga for a hot mom body.

In this class, you’re not using yoga to create a hot mom body. You already have one of those.

This yoga class is for you to celebrate your hot mom body.

I believe that movement is not a way to punish your body for what you like to eat or the life you happen to love.

Movement isn’t to fix your body after you have babies.

And movement certainly isn’t to counteract totally normal things that happen as we age, like weight gain.

This practice is not going to tone your tush or sculpt your abs.

I created this class so you could move your body, have fun, and then give yourself a little rest. Because moms need rest. So in addition to the creative flow practice, you’ll end this class in a simple restorative pose.

If you want to celebrate your body even more, let’s hang out in my Yoga for a Healthy Core program.

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