5 yoga poses in 5 minutes

5 yoga poses in 5 minutes

July 15, 2021

The most common reason I hear from most moms when they tell me they can’t do a daily movement practice is that they don’t have time.

But what about 5 minutes?

Can you have a satisfying movement practice in 5 minutes? It’s worth a try, right?

It’s probably no surprise that I believe you can have a satisfying movement practice in 5 minutes. Not just because I have and do all the time. Also because I think the problem lies in our expectations.

We’ve been made to believe that a good practice is a long one.60 minutes ideally, but 30 bare minimum. Thing is, this expectation gets in the way on those days when life happens.
Sick kid.
Extra errands.
More things on your to-do list than you’d like.
Not a lot of sleep the night before.
And then, because you have the expectation that longer practice = better practice, you just don’t move your body.
This is a HUGE problem.

I believe that movement is medicine. Not just 60 minutes of movement but ALL MOVEMENT.

So next time you hear that voice in your head telling you that you don’t have enough time to move, try this practice. It’s a 5 yoga poses in 5 minutes practice — not all yoga poses and loads of modifications based on your needs.

The idea here is that you do each pose for 1 minute. You can hold the pose, keeping it more static and focused on endurance. Or you add dynamic movement to each pose. So for the first pose, which is a wide squat often called Sumo or Goddess squat, you could simply stay in the squat for 60 seconds. Or you could add reps, lowering your hips down and lifting them back up. You could also add some side body stretching if multiple squats sounds like your idea of torture.

My intention with this practice is to give you a quick, fun 5 yoga poses in 5 minutes. And also to give you inspiration to add on to this practice when you have more time. Or to create your own 5 yoga poses in 5 minutes practice.

Need more 5-minute inspiration? Check out my free YOGA QUICKIES series.

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