3-Ingredient Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream

July 5, 2018

If you love strawberries as much as I do, you know that the season for strawberries if far too short to properly enjoy strawberries. Sure, you can turn them into jellies or jams or bake them into pies, but if you can’t use them quickly enough, you know the next best way to savor the strawberry season is to freeze them.

If you have a freezer full of frozen strawberries, you need to make this super easy 3-ingredient vegan strawberry ice cream. Or strawberry “nice” cream, as some of my fellow plant-based foodies like to call it.

This easy and delicious treat will take you less than 5 minutes to make.

No fancy ice cream maker needed.

All you need is a blender (or a good food processor) and some frozen fruit.

Super basic.

Super delicious.

And also not super processed like most ice cream is, even the tasty vegan ones.

My kids also love this stuff and I have zero mom guilt when I give it to them.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

3-Ingredient Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream

Serves 4


2 cups frozen Strawberries

2 large frozen bananas

1/2 cup coconut milk

optional: maple syrup for added sweetness, fresh strawberries for garnish


Add your frozen berries and bananas to your blender. Start to blend on medium-low setting (tamping down as needed).***

Slowly pour in the coconut milk, to smooth out the fruit. Once it’s nice and smooth, taste test. If it needs a little more sweetness, add a little maple syrup.

Otherwise, enjoy as is!


***note: don’t blend for too long, as the longer you blend, the more you’re heating up the ice cream. No one wants warm ice cream!

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