Several years ago, I started teaching online yoga classes. I had resisted for years, preferring the simplicity of showing up at a yoga studio,...
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5 Poses That Make Handstand Easier
When I first started practicing yoga, handstands weren’t the inversion of choice. This was 1999 in NYC. I practiced yoga at a random...
I’m not going back to teaching at a yoga studio anytime soon
My inbox is flooded lately with notices of studios reopening. Is yours, too? These are studios I've taken classes at all across the country from DC...
How to do Hard Things
It’s time for me to come clean about something. Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything illegal. I’m just avoiding doing something that I really want...
Yoga is Essential
Yoga is essential. I’ve been saying this over and over to myself for the past 20 years. Sometimes I hear it louder than others, but it’s like a...
Why I Do Core Work Everyday
At the beginning of April, I started doing core work everyday. This isn't necessarily a huge deal for me. I love doing core work. I always have....

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