As of Thursday last week, it is officially summer. It's felt like summer pretty much every day since late-April here in New Mexico, but now that...
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How Self-Care Has Failed Me
I used to think self-care could solve all of my problems, but the truth is, self-care has failed me on that particular front. I used to think that...
Treat Yo’Self
Have you ever watched the TV Series Parks and Rec? On the rare occasion that both kids are asleep before 8pm, Nathan and I will sometimes cuddle up...
Naptime is the Worst Time for Self-Care
You can’t do everything during naptime. I hate being the bearer of bad news, but it’s true. You can’t do everything during naptime. The truth hurts...
The Worst Advice You Can Give to a Mom
“Sleep when your baby sleeps.” Even before my daughter was born, the most frequent advice I received from friends and total strangers alike was to...
Mama Activist: The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Change The World
I was an activist before I was a mama. In some ways, I think activism inspired me to become a parent (that, and their sexy father). Or at least I...

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