5 years ago, my husband decided to join the Air Force. This had never been a part of my plan. We had 1 kid and another ready to make his entrance...
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When things don’t go as planned
I had big plans for this week, but then my kids got sick. It's just an average late-winter cold, but everything feels a little extra scary during...
You might be a yoga mom
How do you know you’re a yoga mom? You might be a yoga mom, if you step on legos when you lunge. Your yoga mat might be littered with cars, crumbs,...
How to Beat the Winter Blues
Winter is the season of feeling stuck. You feel me on this, right? Last weekend, I’d about had it with feeling stuck. Nathan was working...
The Democracy of Habit Change
Everything new begins with hope and with an idea of how to create change. I think about this, as I often do with many things, in the context of yoga...
My Favorite New Nighttime Routine
I like sleep. Or more specifically, I like feeling well rested. I used to be more of a night owl, who also happened to wake up early. When I was in...
5 Things You Need to Understand Before You Begin a New Habit
I stopped setting New Year’s resolutions a long time ago. Although I don’t remember when I stopped, I do remember it felt like I’d lifted a huge...
The Big Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020
2020 was a big, crazy year. It feels like we’ve lived 12 years instead of 12 months. One year ago today, I was gearing up for what I thought would...
When I lived in New York City, December was my favorite month. It was bitterly cold and windy and it rarely snowed in December. None of that...
5 Yoga Practices Your Body Needs This Season
It’s official. We’re right in the middle of another holiday season. This is not a holiday season like we’ve experienced before. Everything is still...
3 Things You Can Do Everyday to Increase Your Hip Health
When I was younger, I took my hips for granted. I’m no contortionist, but my hips have a reasonable degree of mobility. I could never put my...
Tips for Enjoying an Abnormal Thanksgiving
When I was in college, I spent Thanksgiving with my 3 best girlfriends. Each year, we’d gather in a different place — the city where one of us was...

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