I have a confession to make. I hate Mother's Day. I've never liked it. I feel a little guilty saying this, only because my own mother loves...
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Yoga for a Bikini Body
I don’t remember when exactly I decided I didn’t like wearing bathing suits but I do remember the first time someone publicly commented about my...
Things you won’t hear me say
“Suck in your tummy.” “Tighten your core.” “Engage your abs.” “Imagine you’re wearing a corset.” “Pull your navel to your spine.” “Flatten your low...
The Real Reasons You Avoid Home Practice
Do you wish you had a home practice but feel like it’s just not for you? Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time or you don’t know what to do at...
Core Work Shouldn’t Be Boring
When you hear a teacher say, “today we’re doing core work,” what poses do you expect to do? My guess is that you think, “oh great, a world of plank...
40 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 40 Years
Today is my 40th birthday or as someone suggested, I've achieved the 40th level in my life, which sounds infinitely cooler. These are some of the...
How to Improve Your Balance
Do you want to know how to improve your balance? I can tell you, but I bet my answer will surprise you. My guess is that when you think about...
The Reasons Why You Don’t Do Yoga at Home
“Every time I try to do yoga, my cat starts to bite my head.” A friend of mine said this to me when she was interviewing me for her podcast a few...
It’s been a year and we’re still here
It's been a year and we're still here. A little over a year ago, our intentional isolation started. I knew it was coming, but I held off because it...
How to Spice Up Warrior 3 Pose
How many different ways can you do a single pose? Ask Warrior 3. Warrior 3 pose is a fairly basic standing, balancing pose. It’s a great pose for...
5 Essential Exercises to do with Weights
The first time I lifted weights, I was in college. I was working out at New York Sports Club, using their treadmills and elliptical machines,...
Is yoga enough?
Is yoga enough? I used to answer this question with a resolute YES. At the time, I didn’t feel like I had a need for other forms of movement for the...

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