“One of the greatest gifts that the yoga practice gives us is the ability to experience the sublime within the mundane world we live in.” One of my...
A statement that tells those dream clients how you free blog content helps provide value.
5 Ways to Become a Blockbuster ~ Detonating Samscara
Definition: Blockbuster (blŏk'bus'tər), noun. 1. A thing of great power or size, in particular 2. A movie, book, or other product that is expected...
A More Conscious Evolution of Our Hearts
“To celebrate the killing of a life, any life, is a failure to honor life's inherent sanctity.” ~Dr. Pamela Gerloff You know it’s big news when the...
Satya ~ Addendum
Nature is cruel, but we don’t have to be.” ~Dr. Temple Grandin Been thinking a bit about satya... the more I taught it thematically, the more the...
Satya ~ Become Living Proof of Your Truth
I had a light bulb moment sometime between this Yama and last weeks’ Yama, which is that the Yamas can be though of as defining our...
Inaugural Blog: Ahimsa ~ Creating a holistic foundation for continued wellness!
It’s official. I am now blogging! My intention with this blog is to provide a more in depth look at the themes I’m offering in class each week, as...

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