Have you ever wondered what to do with the leafy tops of your carrots other than throw them on the compost? If you're tired of wasting those lovely...
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The Art of Connection
I have a problem. It’s a frustrating problem and maybe surprising to those of you who’ve known me for awhile, especially in a yoga context. And...
Springtime Green Veggie Stir Fry
You want to know the easiest, most perfect meal you can make in springtime? An all green veggie stir fry. I love stir fry meals because they are...
Treat Yo’Self
Have you ever watched the TV Series Parks and Rec? On the rare occasion that both kids are asleep before 8pm, Nathan and I will sometimes cuddle up...
Spring Veggies Soup with Brown Rice
I love spring veggies. Green, crunchy, full of vitality after the heavy, sugary root vegetables of winter. As tasty as they are raw, sometimes I...
You’re Going to Screw Up Your Kids (and that’s OK)
A dear friend of mine wrote a powerful post on facebook about motherhood the other day and it inspired me. The gist of it was this: As the mother of...

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