I am a householder yogi. Admittedly, yogi is not my favorite descriptor because it conjures conflicting images of a half-naked, bearded, mystic...
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No Hands Eagle Flow
Fly like an eagle in this super fun, super creative, no hands vinyasa practice. Don't like chatturanga? This practice is perfect for you. Don't like...
Green Bean, Corn, and Tomato Quinoa Salad
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but when it comes to food I think CSA's are the mother of invention. I created this green bean,...
Yoga to Challenge Your Balance
When was the last time you used yoga to challenge your balance? When it comes to balancing on your yoga mat, you've probably gotten pretty good at...
Broccoli and Cauliflower with Miso Tahini Sauce
In my opinion, broccoli and cauliflower go together like peanut butter and chocolate. They are so ridiculously well matched that not putting them...
I am Worthy
“If you could wave a magic wand and change your life so it was exactly how you wanted it, what would you change?” This is the question that made me...

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