watermelon mint lemonade

Watermelon Mint Lemonade

June 19, 2019

It’s already watermelon season here in my neck of the woods, which means it’s also time for watermelon mint lemonade.

If you’ve ever purchased a watermelon and brought it home, you know exactly how difficult it can be to eat the entire thing before it starts to get a little oversweet or fermented.

This is my way of using up all of the watermelon, particularly the parts that aren’t quite as sweet to begin with — the flesh closest to the rind. You can even use a little bit of the rind itself which has some really awesome health benefits.

This recipe is slightly labor intensive in that I do recommend juicing the lemons and cucumber first. You’ll get a smoother lemonade that way.

That said, it’s totally worth it.

Also, if you make a little more than you want, these make delicious popsicles! Kid-tested and approved in my household of picky eaters.

Watermelon Mint Lemonade

Makes about 4 cups, give or take


Juice of 2 lemons

Juice of 1 small cucumber

3 cups watermelon

a few mint leaves

2 cups of ice

3 cups of water

1/4 cup raw local honey

scant 1/4 cup sugar

optional — fresh lemon verbena, if you’ve got it. Gives a little bonus lemon flavor!


Juice your lemons and cucumbers.

Add everything to a high speed blender and blend until smooth.

Place in a jar in the fridge, if you’re not planning on drinking this immediately. It will keep for 48 hours.

Or just drink it.

You can add ice, seltzer, or freeze it into popsicles.

watermelon mint lemonade

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