Roasted Carrots, Cauliflower, and Chickpeas with Barley and a Lemon, Garlic Dressing

February 23, 2018

When life gives you carrots and you’re a little carrot-souped out, the next best things are grating carrot all over everything and adding roasted carrots to everything.

The latter is what inspired this simple meal.

I had lots of carrots in the fridge plus some leftover cauliflower and chickpeas from a different meal, so I figured I’d combine them together. I spruced the flavors up with a simple sauce of olive oil, garlic, and lemon. Super yum!

Often my most successful meals are born from the need to use up what I have in a new and different way. Even though I like having go-to meals I can make with whatever is in my fridge, I also like to change things up, especially when it comes to food.

This meal turned out to be even more delicious than I expected. For the past few weeks, I’ve been making it once a week. It’s quick to whip up and really satisfying. As always, I like to sneak in greens whenever I can, so I usually make some sauteed kale to round out this meal (although my husband eats it as is — he doesn’t have the same deep green need that I do).

Try this baby out and let me know what you think!

Roasted Carrots, Cauliflower, and Chickpeas with Barley and a Lemon, Garlic Dressing

Serves 2


Roasted Veggies:

1 1/2 cups of carrots, scrubbed and sliced into slim half moons

1 1/2 cups cauliflower, floreted

1 cup cooked chickpeas (not quite a full can, unless you want to have a little more chickpea action, which is just fine)

2 tsp olive oil

dash of salt


2 Tbs olive oil

2 Tbs lemon juice (about 1/2 of a lemon)

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 cup barley plus 1 cup water

extra topping: 1/3 cup sliced almonds

optional: kale, coconut oil, salt (if you’re adding sauteed kale)


Cook your barley in the water. Should take about 40 minutes or so for water to be absorbed. Once done, set aside with top off to cool.

Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Coat the carrots, cauliflower, and chickpeas with olive oil and a little salt. Place on a baking sheet and cook for 12-15 minutes (depending on your oven and how thick you’ve cut the carrots or the florets). When they’re fork tender, remove from oven and set aside to cool.

In the meantime, make your dressing by combining all dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisking thoroughly.

When everything is ready, combine the barley and veggies, then pour in the dressing. Mix well and adjust flavors to your taste.

And by all means, if you need greens ADD THEM IN. I always do.

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