Do you know what the biggest secret to successful habit change is? It’s a lot more basic than you might think and that’s what also makes it so...
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One Thing All Moms Need To Know
“Your energy flows where your attention goes.” I didn’t create this idea, but it really resonates with me lately. A few days ago I was listening to...
Self-Care is Not a Reward
Self-Care is not a reward. We tend to use self-care as a reward for good behavior or for accomplishing a goal, but that needs to stop. We also...
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
I was walking through Walmart with my kids the other day, something I try to do avoid for all kinds of reasons. As we were heading to checkout, I...
Stop Limiting Self-Care
I have a big favor to ask you. I’m not asking you to give up your morning coffee or to tell you to stop watching Real Housewives of Wherever...
6 Meditation Myths, Busted!
Many years ago, when I was a brand new yoga teacher, I taught a class at my local YMCA and shared a story about my struggles with meditation. I had...

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