Online Workshop Morning 2

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Thanks for signing up for my FREE online workshop, Rise and Shine: 3 Simple Ways to Create a Morning Routine That Sets You Up For a Great Day!

I look forward to sharing these tips with you on March 30th.

Right now, I need you to do these 4 things to make sure you’re ready to go when we start:

✓ I’ll be sending you an email to remind you about the workshop, so please make sure is marked as one of your favorites in your email so you don’t miss any of the emails reminders I send about this event.

I’d hate for you to miss it just because the email got lost in spam or your promotions folder.

✓ Just in case, save this link: because this is the link that you’ll use on Monday at 2pm EDT to join in!

✓ Clear your calendar for Monday, March 30th at 2pm EDT and set an alarm for yourself on your phone or computer to make sure you don’t miss it. I will also send you a reminder email but this way you have a back-up!

 ✓ If you know anyone else who could use a little morning routine inspiration, please share this info with them. They can sign up here.

I’m looking forward to connecting with you on March 30th!
