“Well, I guess that wasn’t a complete and total fail,” I said to my husband after dinner. I made tacos for the first time for our kids and both kids...
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Yoga for Emotional Fatigue
I don't know about you, but I am exhausted. 2020 has been an extra intense year. Starting this year with the Australian bushfires that wouldn't quit...
What Core Strength Looks Like
Do you know what core strength looks like? Does it look like a 6-pack of abs? Does it look like balancing in a handstand without a wall for support?...
Why I Do Core Work Everyday
At the beginning of April, I started doing core work everyday. This isn't necessarily a huge deal for me. I love doing core work. I always have....
How to Take Online Yoga Classes
Many years ago, before I had kids, I was skeptical of online yoga. To be honest, I wasn't that interested in virtual yoga. It seemed cold and...
10 Reasons Your Hips Need Yoga
As I write this, I am holding and cuddling a sick baby who doesn't want to be put down. I've been holding her for hours. HOURS. I am happy to be...

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