My daughter started remote learning on Monday and I was super nervous about it. I'm pretty sure i'm not alone in that, either. Most of us who work...
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I’m not going back to teaching at a yoga studio anytime soon
My inbox is flooded lately with notices of studios reopening. Is yours, too? These are studios I've taken classes at all across the country from DC...
History Has its Eyes on Us
A little less than 4 years ago, I sat with my mom and 3 year old daughter on the couch at my parents house. My son had already fallen asleep. My...
I’m so glad I do this practice everyday
There is something that I am really glad that I do every single day. Do you know what it is? I'm betting that you guessed that I am glad I move my...
How to do Hard Things
It’s time for me to come clean about something. Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything illegal. I’m just avoiding doing something that I really want...
The Secret to My Meditation Success
When I was new to yoga, I struggled with meditation so much so that I outright avoided it. I'd actually grown up with a dad who regularly sat in...
Joy is a Revolutionary Act
Joy is a revolutionary act. I didn’t come up with this idea. The idea that joy is a form of resistance against oppression is one that has been...
Yoga is Essential
Yoga is essential. I’ve been saying this over and over to myself for the past 20 years. Sometimes I hear it louder than others, but it’s like a...
Change your habits and you will change your life
If you don't change your habits, how can you change your life? I was listening to a podcast with Rachel Rodgers and she said something along these...
Tacos, Yoga, and Anti-Racism
“Well, I guess that wasn’t a complete and total fail,” I said to my husband after dinner. I made tacos for the first time for our kids and both kids...
Yoga for Emotional Fatigue
I don't know about you, but I am exhausted. 2020 has been an extra intense year. Starting this year with the Australian bushfires that wouldn't quit...
The Way Forward
Last weekend I filmed a few videos for my YouTube channel. I wanted to create something that might be of support to those who are protesting, so one...

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