I am grateful for: Avocados Nettles Star Trek Great Falls My health My amazing husband My incredible daughter The capacity of my own body to create,...
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Conscious, Healthy Holidays: My Tips for a Satisfying, Stress-Free Holiday Season
Every year in autumn, it seems like we are in a high speed chase to the end of the year. From Halloween on, we are hurtling towards the holidays....
Broccoli and Greens Curry Udon Noodle Bowl
I love a good noodle bowl. There’s nothing like taking a good slurp of noodles, especially when those noodles are accompanied by bright green...
Pregnant Pause
I’m pregnant. I’ve been waiting awhile to make this announcement and I’m certain that many of you who’ve seen me lately in class or on Instagram...
Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate-Chip Scones
I love pumpkin season. Pumpkins are the spirit plant of autumn. That’s how I know fall is coming…the pumpkins start appearing at the farmer’s...
Yoga Salutes Non-Violence: Tips and Tools to Prepare
So you want to do 108 Sun Salutations, but secretly you are shaking in your Lulu’s because 108 sure seems like a rather high number and does that...
Music and Lyrics: Week 6
o I skipped last week. The song I featured is called “The Divide” performed by one of my favorite bands of all time, Grace Potter and the...
Music and Lyrics: Week 4
During the television coverage of the London Olympics this year, there was a song that was played over and over and over. I’m not talking about the...
Apples, Apples Everywhere…
Apples are my favorite fall fruit. They are perfect in every way. Sweet and crunchy at the same time, plus lots of fiber (which is important,...
Music and Lyrics: Week 3
Last week I went to see Florence and the Machine in concert. Florence is amazing. Truly incredible. And her music is haunting, atmospheric,...
Music and Lyrics: Week 2
Earlier this week, a friend sent me a list of songs he’d been listening to lately and among them was a song called “Little Talks” by an Icelandic...
Music and Lyrics: Week 1
Due to popular request, I’ll be posting the song I’m featuring each week in class, plus the lyrics which inspire the narrative for our practices and...

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