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Yoga for a Hot Mom Body

Yoga for a Hot Mom Body

Are you a mom? Do you have a body? I think you'll love yoga for a hot mom body. In this class, you're not using yoga to create a hot mom body. You...

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Hands-Free Crow Pose Options

Hands-Free Crow Pose Options

Do you avoid crow pose because it bugs your wrists? Or your elbows feel a little funky. Or maybe you don't feel strong enough yet in your upper...

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Breaking up with Cat/Cow Pose

Breaking up with Cat/Cow Pose

When was the last time you took a yoga class that started with something other than cat/cow? Or savasana? Or a sun salutation? In my 2 decades of...

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How to do yoga in tight spaces

How to do yoga in tight spaces

This summer, my family traveled across the country twice. This double adventure meant we spent a lot of time in hotels, which are notoriously...

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Leg Cramps are a Total Drag

Leg Cramps are a Total Drag

Leg cramps are a total drag. If you've never had them, you might be totally unaware of this problem, so I'm going to give you the inside info. Leg...

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