Truth number 1: I have an annoying habit of making things a bit more dramatic and not ideal when someone asks me about something going on in my...
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The Art of Going Wild
We all need a good rumpus once in awhile. Maurice Sendak was onto something when he created the island of Wild Things, the land where monsters live...
Eye to Eye
I have this game I play whenever I go for a run. It’s called “Making Eye Contact” and the goal of the game is very simple: Make eye contact with...
Spring Re-Boot: Creating New Spring Holiday Traditions
Spring is the season of new beginnings. Rebirth and hope are common themes in nature, as well as in the unfolding of our lives post-winter. Every...
Spicy Orange Glazed Beets with Toasted Pecans
True confession #1: I was not a fan of ginger until about 6 months ago when I first got a few chunks of fresh ginger from the farmer’s market. ...
A Springtime Recipe
I’ve been experimenting a lot lately, in the kitchen. Testing out flavor combinations and flexing my imagination muscles. I happened to buy more...

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