I love Star Trek. I’m no longer ashamed to utter these words publicly, although there was a time that I hesitated to proclaim my love so openly....
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Body of Love
A few weeks ago, I was standing outside in the warmth of the early spring sun with my daughter. We were outside on the front lawn of a neighbor’s...
Great Expectations
My name is Naomi and I am an overachiever. I have always had high standards and great expectations of myself, as well as the people in my life. I am...
Beets, Barley, and Cabbage, with a Tangy Mustard Dressing
About a year ago, I stumbled across a lovely recipe posted by a good friend on her blog. It wasn't vegan, so I modified it slightly to suit my...
This past weekend, I went on a media fast. I spent 38 hours offline, essentially. No social media and no email. I did have to use the Internet a few...
Cry Me A River
The scene: My kitchen. I am sitting on the floor, crying. Not pretty crying, like you sometimes see in movies. These tears didn’t silently trail...

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