'Tis the season for head colds, sore throats, relentless sinus pressure, and hacking coughs that don't want to go away. The way I see it, you have 2...
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Blueberry Walnut Granola
Granola gets a little bit of a bad rap these days. For years, granola was touted as a healthier option to cereal. Until, that is, we realized just...
Bye, Bye Yoga For Weight-Loss. Hello, Yoga to Rock Your Awesome Body.
I was scrolling through YouTube the other day, looking for ideas. I was looking at videos by one of the most popular yoga teachers on YouTube. I...
Sweet Potato Peanut Stew
It snowed in South Texas last night. This is highly unusual in of itself, but in addition, the snow wasn't just brief flurries. Instead, it was a...
Simple and Nourishing Miso Soup
Miso soup is soul food for me. When I'm feeling a little funky or under the weather, I turn to miso soup to help nourish and revive me. There are a...
Naptime is the Worst Time for Self-Care
You can’t do everything during naptime. I hate being the bearer of bad news, but it’s true. You can’t do everything during naptime. The truth hurts...

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