Winter is not kidding around this year. Even in the deep south, where we live right now, the weather is solidly grey and below freezing most days....
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Pinto Beans and Rice with Kale
You might not know this about me, but I've always liked things that are more complicated or challenging. It's not really one of my more charming...
Let’s Be Human Instead of Perfect
“You are the most worst mom ever.” My daughter screamed this at me tonight because I wouldn’t let her have more candy. It’s her new favorite insult....
Cozy Cauliflower and Butternut Squash Curried Stew
Another week, another stew. Winter is here and a deep chill has settled over the entire country this week. It's snowing in places it never or very...
Spicy Black-Eyed Pea Stew
Berbere spice. If you've never heard of this spice, it's likely you've never had Ethiopian food. I grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC, which...
Never Chop Onions Before You Meditate
Never chop onions before you meditate. I learned this lesson the hard way. Not once, but twice. You’d think once would have been enough or that it...

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