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How to Do Savasana

How to Do Savasana

Do you know how to do savasana? If you've ever been to a yoga class, you've probably done savasana but I'll bet no one really taught you how to do...

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How to Do a Sun Salutation

How to Do a Sun Salutation

Have you ever wondered how to do a sun salutation the right way? It's tough to know sometimes, right? You go to a vinyasa or flow class and the...

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Black Bean Veggie Soup

Black Bean Veggie Soup

Years ago, I used to buy this pre-made black bean veggie soup from my favorite grocery store. It was pretty good, but it didn't have as many veggies...

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Yoga for New Beginnings

Yoga for New Beginnings

Celebrate the new year on your yoga mat with yoga for new beginnings! This is a yoga practice intended to get you moving so that you are starting...

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