We are now officially 15 days into a new year. This is around the time that if you're the sort of person to set resolutions or intentions or goals,...
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How to Create a Mantra of the Year
Do you have a word of the year? I don’t. I’m far too indecisive for that sort of specificity. What I love are mantras. For the past few years, I’ve...
5 Questions I Ask Myself at the Beginning of Every Year
There are 5 questions I ask myself at the beginning of the year. I do this instead of making New Years resolutions. I'm not big on New Year's...
Ayurvedic Self-Care for the Post-Holiday Letdown
We're smack in the middle of the very end of the year. Christmas is over, Hanukkah is still happening (but just 3 more nights), Kwanzaa has just...
Conscious Holiday Gift Guide
Is anyone else totally over the whole holiday gift madness? I know I am. I've never been a huge fan of the purchasing and gift giving frenzy during...
10 Reasons Your Hips Need Yoga
As I write this, I am holding and cuddling a sick baby who doesn't want to be put down. I've been holding her for hours. HOURS. I am happy to be...

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