Is yoga enough? I used to answer this question with a resolute YES. At the time, I didn’t feel like I had a need for other forms of movement for the...
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When things don’t go as planned
I had big plans for this week, but then my kids got sick. It's just an average late-winter cold, but everything feels a little extra scary during...
Yoga is Essential
Yoga is essential. I’ve been saying this over and over to myself for the past 20 years. Sometimes I hear it louder than others, but it’s like a...
The Magic Words I Use to Make Self-Care Possible
This is us. All 3 of my kids, ranging from almost 7 years old to almost 5 months old with an almost 4 year old in between. I snapped this photo a...
The Biggest Secret to Successful Habit Change
Do you know what the biggest secret to successful habit change is? It’s a lot more basic than you might think and that’s what also makes it so...
The Biggest Lesson Motherhood Taught Me About Self-Care
The biggest lesson motherhood taught me about self-care is not what you think. Obviously becoming a mom made me realize that taking good care of...
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