How many different ways can you do a single pose? Ask Warrior 3. Warrior 3 pose is a fairly basic standing, balancing pose. It’s a great pose for...
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Is yoga enough?
Is yoga enough? I used to answer this question with a resolute YES. At the time, I didn’t feel like I had a need for other forms of movement for the...
The Big Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020
2020 was a big, crazy year. It feels like we’ve lived 12 years instead of 12 months. One year ago today, I was gearing up for what I thought would...
When I lived in New York City, December was my favorite month. It was bitterly cold and windy and it rarely snowed in December. None of that...
5 Yoga Practices Your Body Needs This Season
It’s official. We’re right in the middle of another holiday season. This is not a holiday season like we’ve experienced before. Everything is still...
3 Things You Can Do Everyday to Increase Your Hip Health
When I was younger, I took my hips for granted. I’m no contortionist, but my hips have a reasonable degree of mobility. I could never put my...

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