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Treat Yo’Self

Treat Yo’Self

Have you ever watched the TV Series Parks and Rec? On the rare occasion that both kids are asleep before 8pm, Nathan and I will sometimes cuddle up...

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How to Handle Growing Pains

How to Handle Growing Pains

I never believed that growing pains were a real thing until I had my kids. If you google, “are growing pains real?” all of the results will tell you...

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My Yoga, Right Now

My Yoga, Right Now

A few days ago, a friend of mine asked me what I was working on in my yoga practice. Actually, she tagged me in a post on Instagram, but honestly...

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The Yoga of Motherhood

The Yoga of Motherhood

Yoga has been a part of my life longer than my kids have. I started practicing yoga when I was 18 years old and a brand new college student in New...

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