I'm not much of a TV watcher, but when Nathan is away for long stretches of time, sometimes I crave the company of other adult voices. I listen to...
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How to Make Movement a Priority on Vacation
When you're on vacation, you're way out of your regular routines. You tend to turn off the alarms, eat whatever you want, stay up late, and party...
How to Survive the Summer with Style
As of Thursday last week, it is officially summer. It's felt like summer pretty much every day since late-April here in New Mexico, but now that...
How to Handle Failure and the Tao of Pooh
Last night, Nathan and I were in bed reading like we do most nights. I was reading Circe by Madeline Miller (do yourself a favor and go get this...
Feel Less Stress, Mama, By Doing One Thing Every Day
Motherhood is tough. I don’t think it’s exaggerating to say that this is easily the biggest understatement of all time. Not only do you have to keep...
How to Get Better at Arm Balances
There’s something important I think you should know. You don’t need super arm strength to do arm balances. Say what? I’ll say it again: You don't...

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