4 and a half years ago, I was one year postpartum and still out of sorts with motherhood. I was finally in a place where I wanted to take better...
A statement that tells those dream clients how you free blog content helps provide value.
What Women’s Wrestling has Taught Me About Self-Love
I'm not much of a TV watcher, but when Nathan is away for long stretches of time, sometimes I crave the company of other adult voices. I listen to...
How to Not Get Constipated on Vacation
That headline really grabbed you, huh? I mean, who hasn't gotten constipated on vacation at least once? Don't worry. No one knows what you're...
How to Make Movement a Priority on Vacation
When you're on vacation, you're way out of your regular routines. You tend to turn off the alarms, eat whatever you want, stay up late, and party...
Why Self-Care is so Hard When You’re on Vacation
Going on vacation with kids is hard. It shouldn’t be, right? Going on vacation should be sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and sparkles and...
One Thing I Wish I’d Known Before Having Kids
Nobody is ever really 100%Â prepared to become a parent, but I thought I'd handle motherhood just fine. After all, I was a longtime yogi so I totally...

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