What happens when you wake up in the middle of a nightmare, except the nightmare isn’t happening in your unconscious, but the real world you live...
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Sometimes Self-Care Means Saying “No”
Sometimes self-care means saying no. This is a revelation I had recently when I realized that saying no is just as essential as saying yes. Saying...
Date Night is Great, but it’s Not a Substitute for Self-Care
Date night is not a substitute for personal self-care. There, I said it. I know I’m going to get a lot of “but’s” for this one, but I adamantly...
Guest Blog: Micro Self-Care is Essential for Mamas!
This post was contributed and written by Lori Mihalich-Levin. This post was first published on July 7, 2015, on the East Side Yoga Mamas Blog and...
How to Overcome the Motherhood Martyrdom Syndrome
When I was in high school and college, I was plagued by particularly vicious migraines. Migraines are matrilineal, so my mom had awful and frequent...
There’s No “Me” in Maternity Leave
The first time I was pregnant, I joked that I wasn’t taking maternity leave when the baby arrived, but instead going on “baby vacation.” I knew that...

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