I am notoriously terrible at vacations. I have a long history of vacations spoiled by bringing work with me or the inability to completely unplug or...
A statement that tells those dream clients how you free blog content helps provide value.
Keep It Simple: A How-To Guide for Complexity Queens
A little over a month ago, I decided to create a new ritual. This new ritual combined creativity with mindfulness, plus a little special time with...
Should is a Four-Letter Word
“Should” is a four-letter word. SHOULD is just as bad as the other four-letter words I’d rather my daughter not repeat. Should is the word that...
How to Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day
This didn't prevent me from eventually martyring myself on the altar of motherhood, however. I still found myself depleted, struggling, and unhappy....
Self-Care and the Solo Mama
A little less than a year ago, my husband did a somewhat unusual thing for a man over 30. He joined the Air Force. At the time, I had no idea what...
The Bogus Backlash Against Self-Care
me, doing a restorative yoga pose on my kitchen floor. totally un-fancy, but 100% awesome self-care. “I have a problem with the term ‘Self-Care’”...

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