Do you have a word of the year? I don’t. I’m far too indecisive for that sort of specificity. What I love are mantras. For the past few years, I’ve...
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5 Questions I Ask Myself at the Beginning of Every Year
There are 5 questions I ask myself at the beginning of the year. I do this instead of making New Years resolutions. I'm not big on New Year's...
It’s Time to Ditch Your Plastic Bag Habit
It’s time to ditch your plastic bag habit. Maybe you’ve gotten used to bringing your own reusable tote bags to the grocery store, but did you know...
Top Tips for Meal Prep Success
Meal prep is a huge buzzword these days. Seems like everyone is talking about it and everyone has tips for meal prep success. I get it. The whole...
Best Self-Care Advice for Summer
When it comes to summer self-care, I think most of us have a very particular idea of what that looks like. Probably you're imagining lots of...
The Biggest Secret to Successful Habit Change
Do you know what the biggest secret to successful habit change is? It’s a lot more basic than you might think and that’s what also makes it so...

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