My inbox is flooded lately with notices of studios reopening. Is yours, too? These are studios I've taken classes at all across the country from DC...
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History Has its Eyes on Us
A little less than 4 years ago, I sat with my mom and 3 year old daughter on the couch at my parents house. My son had already fallen asleep. My...
I’m so glad I do this practice everyday
There is something that I am really glad that I do every single day. Do you know what it is? I'm betting that you guessed that I am glad I move my...
How to do Hard Things
It’s time for me to come clean about something. Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything illegal. I’m just avoiding doing something that I really want...
The Secret to My Meditation Success
When I was new to yoga, I struggled with meditation so much so that I outright avoided it. I'd actually grown up with a dad who regularly sat in...
Joy is a Revolutionary Act
Joy is a revolutionary act. I didn’t come up with this idea. The idea that joy is a form of resistance against oppression is one that has been...

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