I was a freshman in college when I went to my first yoga class. While many of my dorm-mates were gathered in our tiny common room to watch the...
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Balance is Being in Flow
Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, so I've been thinking a lot about balance. I think balance doesn't mean what most...
Hurricane Sally Yoga
I woke up at 3:45am to the sound of wind howling and rain pounding on the roof. I could hear the door to our back porch slamming against its frame....
5 Poses That Make Handstand Easier
When I first started practicing yoga, handstands weren’t the inversion of choice. This was 1999 in NYC. I practiced yoga at a random...
I am grateful for Online Learning
I am grateful for online learning. It’s been a rough morning, though. My daughter is doing remote school and her class is huge. There is 1 teacher...
How I’m Handling Remote Learning for My Daughter (without losing my shit)
My daughter started remote learning on Monday and I was super nervous about it. I'm pretty sure i'm not alone in that, either. Most of us who work...

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