The best part of participating in a CSA is that it forces, er teaches you how to use vegetables you might have otherwise avoided. This is also kind...
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Butternut Squash Barley Bowl
When life gives you an abundance of cucumbers, you need to start getting creative with those cucumbers. A person can't live on salads alone. At...
Green Bean, Corn, and Tomato Quinoa Salad
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but when it comes to food I think CSA's are the mother of invention. I created this green bean,...
Broccoli and Cauliflower with Miso Tahini Sauce
In my opinion, broccoli and cauliflower go together like peanut butter and chocolate. They are so ridiculously well matched that not putting them...
My Favorite Green Smoothie (Right Now)
If I was to tell you that I had an all-time favorite smoothie, I might be lying to you. The truth is, I usually get a little fixated on a smoothie...
Grown-Up Vegan Mac N’Cheese
Nothing says comfort food quite like Mac N' Cheese, although I think as adults we like to think we've grown out of that sort of thing. To that I...

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