Every parent thinks that their kid is the most brilliant kid ever. The thing is that Milly really is the most brilliant kid ever. At 3 years old,...
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The Space Between
“Music is what happens in between the notes.” I’m not sure who said this. I did a google search, but came up with nothing conclusive. Regardless of...
If Loving Star Trek is Wrong, I Don’t Want to be Right
I love Star Trek. I’m no longer ashamed to utter these words publicly, although there was a time that I hesitated to proclaim my love so openly....
This past weekend, I went on a media fast. I spent 38 hours offline, essentially. No social media and no email. I did have to use the Internet a few...
You’ve Gotta Have Faith
I’ve always been a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of faith. I like proof. I like tangible results. I like the clarity of evidence. I like...
Creating Your New Normal
70 years ago, if you told someone you were going out for a run, they’d ask, “who’s chasing you?” People didn’t run for exercise or for fun. The only...

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