I'm going to break the rules right now and share a secret with you. Before I do, I should mention that I've always had a rebellious streak. I...
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The Laundry Can Wait
I am standing in the doorway between my bathroom and my bedroom, struggling with indecision. I have wait for 10 minutes to pass before the face mask...
Confessions of a Bad Mom
I am a bad mom and here's why: I don't always find a good balance between working and playing. I let my daughter sit in front of the TV for hours so...
Hello, From the Motherhood Trenches
Yesterday, I was late for my evening yoga class. Usually I consider “late” to mean that I arrive 2 minutes before class starts, giving me little...
You Can’t Have It All, Mamas. What You Can Have is Better.
me, working at home while babywearing Mamas, we’re being lied to. We’re told that we are successful when we “have it all.” And the worst part is...
Supermom is a Myth
I am standing in my living room, with my wailing newborn tucked into the crook of one arm and a toothbrush, loaded with toothpaste in my other hand....

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