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Springtime Tabouli

Springtime Tabouli

I love spring. The world is in the process of turning itself inside out. Everything is green and thick and light, all at the same time. Our front...

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Vegan Mac N’ Cheese

Vegan Mac N’ Cheese

It's a surprise snow day today and nothing says Snow Day like comfort food. I'm not the biggest Mac N' Cheese fan, truth be told. I don't do a lot...

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Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry

Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry

I believe you can never have too many curry recipes or too many lentil recipes. Thankfully, this recipe is a two-fer. Bonus! This recipe has evolved...

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Oatmeal-Less Oatmeal

Oatmeal-Less Oatmeal

You’ve heard of flourless cake, right? Well, oatmeal-less oatmeal is sort of the same idea. I love oatmeal as much as the next person and especially...

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