I have always prided myself on my toughness. I’m 5’2, but people tell me I seem taller and bigger. In my senior year of high school, one of my...
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The Art of Saying Yes
When I was in high school and college, I was notorious among my group of friends as the naysayer. If someone suggested going to see a movie I wasn’t...
Kale, Cranberries, and Spiced Lentils
I had a stroke of genius in the kitchen last week. I love creating new meals based on whatever I have on hand. It’s so easy these days to just make...
Digging Out
This week in the mid-Atlantic, we’re digging ourselves out from a blizzard. The snow started falling on Friday and didn’t stop until sometime in the...
Red Lentil Cauliflower Curry
I believe you can never have too many curry recipes or too many lentil recipes. Thankfully, this recipe is a two-fer. Bonus! This recipe has evolved...
You’ve Gotta Have Faith
I’ve always been a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of faith. I like proof. I like tangible results. I like the clarity of evidence. I like...

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