I had a whole other blog planned for this week, but my heart isn’t feeling it. My husband left on Monday for the beginning of his service in the Air...
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Hello, From the Motherhood Trenches
Yesterday, I was late for my evening yoga class. Usually I consider “late” to mean that I arrive 2 minutes before class starts, giving me little...
Date Night is Great, but it’s Not a Substitute for Self-Care
Date night is not a substitute for personal self-care. There, I said it. I know I’m going to get a lot of “but’s” for this one, but I adamantly...
5 Steps to Turn the “Impossible” into “I’m Possible”
There's no such thing as "impossible." Think about the word itself, Doris: "I'm possible." The quote is from a movie called “My Name is Doris.”...
Guest Post: Muffin Tin Meals
This post was contributed and written by Wendy Ennis, writer, adventurer, and mama of 2 girls. This tip for meal time is one of my favorites. We've...
Catch and Release
Flowers Milly picked for me after I picked her up from the babysitters~ This morning I got into a fight with my 3 year old daughter. In a few days,...
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