Yesterday, I was late for my evening yoga class. Usually I consider “late” to mean that I arrive 2 minutes before class starts, giving me little...
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You Can’t Have It All, Mamas. What You Can Have is Better.
me, working at home while babywearing Mamas, we’re being lied to. We’re told that we are successful when we “have it all.” And the worst part is...
How Baking With My Daughter Calms My Inner Perfectionist
My name is Naomi and I am a perfectionist. I am also the mother of 2 children both younger than 4 years old. These two realities are regularly in...
How to Overcome the Motherhood Martyrdom Syndrome
When I was in high school and college, I was plagued by particularly vicious migraines. Migraines are matrilineal, so my mom had awful and frequent...
Supermom is a Myth
I am standing in my living room, with my wailing newborn tucked into the crook of one arm and a toothbrush, loaded with toothpaste in my other hand....
Ditch the “Busy Mom” Syndrome
Picture this scene: A woman with messy hair and no make-up, picking up toys off of the floor. In the next moment, she has one hand on her phone,...

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