I want to tell you something somewhat controversial. Vacation is not necessarily self-care. It can be. Vacation can also be an exercise in how much...
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How to Avoid Vacation Burnout
Vacation burnout is a real thing. Just ask anyone who has ever gone on vacation. Here's what happens: You're all pumped for vacation. Since you only...
How to Have a More Earth Friendly Summer with Kids
So you want to enjoy your summer, but you also want to have a more earth-friendly summer and you're not sure if those 2 things can coexist, right?...
Core Work and Weight Loss Are Not the Same Thing
Core work and weight loss are not the same thing. I want to scream this from every rooftop of every yoga studio, gym, and the BeachBody...
Am I Skinny or Chubby, Mommy?
“Am I skinny or chubby, mommy?” My 6-year old daughter asked me this question a few days ago. It caught me way off guard, in part because it was...
The Anti-Aging Myth: 7 Ways to Celebrate Aging with Grace and Intention
Want to know the secret to never aging? Hahahahaha! Just kidding. I don’t have any anti-aging secrets here. I don’t know of any yoga poses that you...

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