This didn't prevent me from eventually martyring myself on the altar of motherhood, however. I still found myself depleted, struggling, and unhappy....
A statement that tells those dream clients how you free blog content helps provide value.
How to Grow Your Own Self-Care
I’ve always loved having houseplants. Since I spend more time indoors than outdoors (something I’m working to shift as much as I can), bringing some...
How My Habits Will Save My Life
I had a whole other blog planned for this week, but my heart isn’t feeling it. My husband left on Monday for the beginning of his service in the Air...
Date Night is Great, but it’s Not a Substitute for Self-Care
Date night is not a substitute for personal self-care. There, I said it. I know I’m going to get a lot of “but’s” for this one, but I adamantly...
5 Steps to Turn the “Impossible” into “I’m Possible”
There's no such thing as "impossible." Think about the word itself, Doris: "I'm possible." The quote is from a movie called “My Name is Doris.”...
Catch and Release
Flowers Milly picked for me after I picked her up from the babysitters~ This morning I got into a fight with my 3 year old daughter. In a few days,...

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