I’ve been doing some self-care research lately. I’m always curious what other people consider to be self-care so I’ve been looking at pinterest...
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How to Celebrate Mother’s Day Every Day
This didn't prevent me from eventually martyring myself on the altar of motherhood, however. I still found myself depleted, struggling, and unhappy....
Self-Care and the Solo Mama
A little less than a year ago, my husband did a somewhat unusual thing for a man over 30. He joined the Air Force. At the time, I had no idea what...
In Pursuit of What Matters
There's a fairly well known story about a professor and a jar of rocks and a lesson about our personal values, but I only recently heard about it...
5 Simple Steps to Become a Jedi Yogi Mama
Not too long ago, I was eating dinner with my daughter. We do picnic style, a blanket spread out on the floor. We don’t have a dining room table,...
How My Habits Will Save My Life
I had a whole other blog planned for this week, but my heart isn’t feeling it. My husband left on Monday for the beginning of his service in the Air...

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